No, we are not funeral directors. However, our funeral celebrant will work closely with the funeral director you choose to ensure the ceremony is delivered professionally with dignity and compassion.
Yes, we can assist you with your decision on which firm of Funeral Directors to use, if necessary.
Yes, we should be able to assist you with planning a memorial service.
Yes, this can be discussed.
We are a mobile service and will meet with you in the comfort of your own home.
Please call us for a quotation.
Yes, you will have to sign an agreement that you have requested our services and which will outline what you expect from us and what we expect from you.
Payment can be made by cash or online via PayPal. For funerals, payment will be made via the funeral director.
We will assist you with whatever you require. We will use an electronic document signing service to forward the agreement to you for signing and return to us. A PDF of the fully executed contract will be emailed to you.